Unlocking iPhone’s Security Arsenal: Features Every User Should Recognize

In this digital age, lives revolve around smartphones. Smartphones are used for everything, communicating with people, clicking pictures, remote work, etc. As such, these tiny devices store a lot of personal data that you would want to avoid falling into the wrong hands. 

With regards to security, iPhones stand out from the rest of smartphone brands in the market. iPhones are known for their robust built-in security features. Hence, the phone comes pre-equipped with a formidable arsenal to help you protect your information. But are you utilizing the built-in security features? Do you even know of them? 

This guide is put together to help iPhone users recognize and understand the critical security features at their disposal so they can take control of their phone’s security. 

Screen Timeout 

Screen timeout is a safety feature of all the iPhones, without which you would be exposing your data. Screen timeout helps to dim the phone’s screen and auto-lock your phone. You can increase or decrease screen timeout by knowing how to change screen lock time on iPhone. This can be done by going to the Settings app > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock > adjust the time. 

Touch & Face ID

Your fingerprint or face serves as a secure key to unlock your phone. Use these biometric authentication methods to enhance convenience and provide your phone with an extra layer of security. 

So, when setting up your iPhone, make sure to set up either Touch or Face ID. 

Unique and Strong Passcode 

Your iPhone’s first line of defense is a strong, robust passcode. You must ensure the passcode is complicated and unique, comprising a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. You must always avoid creating easily identifiable passcodes. 

2FA or two-factor Authentication

You can enable 2FA for your Apple ID so that whenever you log into your account, you must provide a verification code plus your password. The verification will be sent to another trusted device or your email. 

With 2FA turned on, your phone will have an added layer of security. Even if someone is able to crack your Apple ID password, they won’t be able to access the verification code. 

Find My iPhone 

Find My iPhone is an essential feature that lets users locate their lost devices. Also, you can remotely erase your device’s content if it has been stolen or lost. This helps to protect your data. 

When you set up your new iPhone, you must always opt to activate this feature in the iCloud Settings. 

App permissions 

It is important to frequently review and manage app permissions. When you do this, you might find that some apps are given permission to access your Photos and Contacts applications. If you don’t want the specific app to have such permissions, you can revoke the permission. 

Also, it is typically best to limit app access to sensitive data like your camera, location, and microphone. 

Safari security 

If you use Safari to browse the Internet, you must leverage the built-in security features of the web browser. For instance, you can utilize features like blocking pop-ups and preventing cross-site tracking. This will boost the security of your web browsing and ensure your data is safe. 

Safety Check

Safety Check is a new feature that iOS 16 users will find in the Settings application. This feature is specifically designed to make it easier for users to reset all of the location and data access that have been granted to other people. 

Open the Settings app to access Safety Check and then tap into the Privacy & Security section. This feature has two options: a checklist of all your data-sharing options and an Emergency Reset. 

Hidden Photo Album 

The Hidden Photo Album is another new feature added to iOS 16. If you want to keep sensitive photos away from view, send them to this folder. This album can only be accessed via biometric authentication. Hence, your pictures will remain safe from snoopers. 


Passkeys have been introduced with iOS 16, and it aims to replace the use of traditional passwords. Passkeys are more secure than passwords as they work through a key system. One key is stored in the device, and the other key is stored on the website server. If both keys do not match, users won’t be able to sign into the specific app or website. 

Wrapping Up 

iPhones come with a bunch of security features, but if you don’t know of them and are unaware of their implementation, you will be exposing your data. So, keep in mind the security features mentioned above and take proactive steps to safeguard your data. Try to stay updated with new Apple announcements regarding security updates and implement them. 

You must also remember to regularly update the iOS software because it comes with added security features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. 

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