Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON: How to Fix

Are you facing the frustrating problem of your Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t turn on or charging? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This common issue can be caused by various factors, but fortunately, there are troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve it. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of troubleshooting your Galaxy Watch 4 when it won’t turn on. By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to get your smartwatch up and running again in no time.

When your Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON, it can be quite inconvenient, especially if you rely on it for your daily activities. There can be several possible causes for this problem, including a drained battery, software glitches, or hardware issues. The good news is that you don’t need to panic or rush to the service center just yet. With some simple troubleshooting steps, you might be able to fix the problem on your own.

Throughout this guide, we will provide you with clear and easy-to-follow instructions to help you troubleshoot your Galaxy Watch 4. We will cover various aspects such as checking the power button, charging the watch, performing a forced restart, checking for software updates, and even performing a factory reset as a last resort. By going through these steps one by one, you can effectively identify and resolve the issue causing your Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON. So, let’s get started and bring your smartwatch back to life.

Our users send emails asking questions like “How to Fix Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON”, “Galaxy Watch 4 won’t turn on or charge”, “Galaxy Watch 4 screen won’t turn on”, “The Galaxy Watch 4 screen is black and unresponsive”, “Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 not powering up” We receive a large volume of these inquiries and are unable to reply to each one individually. To assist our users, we have decided to write an article addressing these common concerns

Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn On: Possible Causes

Galaxy Watch 4 Won't Turn ON: How to Fix

Are you experiencing the frustrating issue of Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn On? You’re not alone. There could be various reasons why your Galaxy Watch 4 screen is black and unresponsive, and in this section, we will explore the possible causes behind this problem. By understanding the potential factors contributing to your Galaxy Watch 4 not turning on, you’ll be better equipped to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Possible Causes for Galaxy Watch 4 Not Turning On:

  1. Drained Battery: One of the most common reasons for a smartwatch not turning on is a depleted battery. If you haven’t charged your Galaxy Watch 4 for a while, it may have run out of power.
  2. Software Glitches: Sometimes, software glitches or conflicts can cause the watch to freeze or become unresponsive. This can prevent it from turning on properly.
  3. Hardware Issues: Faulty hardware components, such as a defective power button or charging port, can also be the culprit behind your Galaxy Watch 4’s unresponsiveness.
  4. Water Damage: Exposure to water or moisture can damage the internal components of your smartwatch, leading to power-related issues.
  5. Firmware Issues: Occasionally, problems with the firmware or operating system of the Galaxy Watch 4 can prevent it from turning on.

By considering these potential causes, you can narrow down the possible reasons for your Galaxy Watch 4 not turning on and proceed with the appropriate troubleshooting steps.

Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON

Check the Power Button

If you’re facing the issue of your Galaxy Watch 4 not turning on, one of the first things you should check is the power button. The power button plays a crucial role in powering your smartwatch, and if it’s stuck or not functioning properly, it can prevent your Galaxy Watch 4 from turning on. In this section, we will guide you through the steps to check the power button and troubleshoot any issues that may be causing the problem.

Steps to Check the Power Button:

  1. Ensure Accessibility: Locate the power button on your Galaxy Watch 4. It is usually positioned on the side of the watch, and it is the primary button for powering the device on and off.
  2. Physical Examination: Visually inspect the power button for any signs of damage or obstruction. Check if the Galaxy Watch 4 screen is black and unresponsive when pressed. If you notice any physical issues, such as a loose button or debris blocking its movement, proceed to the next step.
  3. Clean the Power Button: Use a clean, soft cloth to gently wipe the power button and its surroundings. This can remove any dirt, dust, or residue that might be hindering its functionality. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure that could further damage the button.
  4. Press and Hold: Press and hold the power button for at least 10 seconds. Observe if the watch vibrates or displays any signs of powering on. If the button is functioning properly, this should trigger the watch to start up. If nothing happens, move on to the next troubleshooting step.
 Galaxy Watch 4 Won't Turn ON

By following these steps, you can determine if the power button is causing the issue with your Galaxy Watch 4 not turning on. If the problem persists, don’t worry, as there are further troubleshooting steps we will cover to help you resolve the issue.

Charge the Watch

One of the first troubleshooting steps to take when your Galaxy Watch 4 won’t turn on is to check the battery level and ensure that the watch is properly charged. In this section, we will guide you through the process of charging your smartwatch and provide you with the necessary steps to follow. By ensuring that your Galaxy Watch 4 has sufficient power, you can eliminate a common cause of unresponsiveness and increase the chances of getting it to turn on successfully.

Steps to Charge the Watch:

  1. Connect the Charging Cable: Begin by locating the charging pins on the back of your Galaxy Watch 4. Align the pins with the corresponding connectors on the charging cable and gently attach the cable to the watch. Ensure that the connection is secure to allow for proper charging.
  2. Plug into a Power Source: Once the charging cable is securely connected to the watch, plug the other end of the cable into a power source. You can use either a wall charger or connect your Galaxy Watch 4 to a USB port on your computer. It is crucial to ensure that the power source is in proper working condition.
  3. Check the Charging Indicator: Look for a visual indication that the watch is charging. The duration of this process may differ based on the watch face you have selected. Common indicators include a battery icon with a lightning bolt symbol or a percentage display showing the charging progress.
  4. Leave the Watch to Charge: Allow the Galaxy Watch 4 to charge for at least 30 minutes or until the battery level reaches a satisfactory percentage. During this time, you may notice the watch vibrating or displaying a charging animation to indicate that it is receiving power.
  5. Check the Battery Level: After the designated charging period, check the battery level by pressing the power button or swiping up from the watch face to access the quick settings. If the battery level has increased, attempt to turn on the watch by pressing and holding the power button.
Galaxy Watch 4 Won't Turn ON

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Galaxy Watch 4 is properly charged and eliminate any potential battery-related issues that may be causing the Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON.

Perform a Forced Restart

If your Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON and is unresponsive, performing a forced restart can often help resolve the issue. A forced restart is a simple yet effective troubleshooting step that can help reset the software and potentially bring your smartwatch back to life. In this section, we will guide you through the process of performing a forced restart on your Galaxy Watch 4, step by step.

Ordered Steps for Performing a Forced Restart:

  1. Locate the Power Button: Look for the power button on the side of your Galaxy Watch 4. It is usually positioned near the top-right or bottom-right corner.
  2. Press and Hold the Power Button: With your finger, press and hold the power button for approximately 10-15 seconds. Be patient and ensure that you hold the button for the full duration.
  3. Wait for the Vibration or Samsung Logo: As you continue to hold the power button, you may feel a slight vibration or see the Samsung logo appear on the screen. These are positive signs that the forced restart is in progress.
  4. Release the Power Button: Once you feel the vibration or see the Samsung logo, release the power button. Once you initiate the factory reset process, your Galaxy Watch 4 will begin the restart procedure.
  5. Wait for the Watch to Turn On: Give your smartwatch a few moments to complete the restart process. It may take a little while for the watch to fully boot up.
Galaxy Watch 4 Won't Turn ON

By performing a forced restart, you can often resolve minor software glitches or temporary issues that may have caused your Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON. If the forced restart doesn’t solve the problem, don’t worry. There are additional troubleshooting steps we will cover to help you get your smartwatch back up and running.

Check for Software Updates

Keeping your Galaxy Watch 4’s software up to date is essential for optimal performance and to resolve any potential software-related issues. In this section, we will guide you through the process of checking for software updates on your smartwatch. By ensuring that your Galaxy Watch 4 has the latest software version installed, you can potentially address any bugs or glitches that may be causing it to not turn on.

Here are the ordered steps to check for software updates on your Galaxy Watch 4:

  1. Open the Galaxy Wearable App: On your paired smartphone, locate and open the Galaxy Wearable app. This app allows you to manage and customize your Galaxy Watch 4.
  2. Navigate to “Settings”: Within the Galaxy Wearable app, look for the “Settings” option. It is typically represented by a gear icon. Tap on it to access the settings menu.
  3. Select “About Watch”: In the settings menu, scroll down until you find the “About Watch” option. Tap on it to view more details about your Galaxy Watch 4.
  4. Tap on “Software Update”: Within the “About Watch” section, you should see an option labeled “Software Update.” Tap on it to check for any available updates for your smartwatch.
  5. Install Available Updates: If there are any software updates available for your Galaxy Watch 4, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install them. Ensure your watch is connected to a stable Wi-Fi network and has sufficient battery charge during the update process.

Keeping your Galaxy Watch 4’s software up to date is crucial for maintaining its performance and ensuring a smooth user experience. By regularly checking for software updates, you can address any potential software-related issues that may be preventing your smartwatch from turning on.

Perform a Factory Reset

If you’ve tried other troubleshooting methods and your Galaxy Watch 4 won’t turn on, performing a factory reset may be necessary. Performing a factory reset is a significant measure that wipes out all data on your watch and reinstates it to its initial configuration. This can help resolve persistent software glitches or conflicts that might be preventing your smartwatch from powering on. In the following section, we will walk you through the steps of executing a factory reset on your Galaxy Watch 4.

Before proceeding with a factory reset, it’s important to note that this action will erase all your data, including apps, settings, and personal information. Therefore, it’s crucial to back up any important data you wish to retain. Once you have made the necessary preparations, follow these ordered steps to perform a factory reset on your Galaxy Watch 4:

  1. To access the Quick Settings panel on your Galaxy Watch 4, swipe your finger downwards from the top of the screen.
  2. Press the Settings gear icon to access the Settings menu.
  3. Scroll downwards and select “General” to access the overall settings.
  4. Scroll down again and select “Reset” from the options.
  5. Tap on “Factory Reset” to initiate the reset process.
  6. When you initiate the factory reset process, a cautionary message will be displayed on the screen, notifying you that all data will be deleted. To proceed, simply tap on the “OK” option to confirm the action.
Galaxy Watch 4 Won't Turn ON

Performing a factory reset can be a last resort to resolve persistent issues with your Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON. However, remember to create a backup of any important data before proceeding, as this process will erase all existing information on your smartwatch.


In conclusion, if you’re facing the frustrating issue of your Galaxy Watch 4 not turning on, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the problem. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can effectively address common issues that may be preventing your smartwatch from powering on. Remember to start with simple solutions like checking the power button and ensuring that your watch is properly charged. If those steps don’t work, move on to more advanced troubleshooting methods such as performing a forced restart or checking for software updates.

However, if none of the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this guide resolve the issue, it may be time to seek professional assistance. If your Galaxy Watch 4 is still under warranty, consider reaching out to Samsung support for further guidance and potential repairs. They will offer tailor-made solutions according to your individual circumstances.

We hope that this troubleshooting guide has helped you resolve the frustrating problem of your Galaxy Watch 4 not turning on. Remember to always keep your smartwatch updated with the latest firmware and take good care of it to prevent any future issues. With the right troubleshooting steps and a little patience, you’ll be able to enjoy the full functionality of your Galaxy Watch 4 once again.

Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON: How to Fix

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Samsung not turning on?

There can be various reasons why your Samsung device is not turning on. It could be due to a drained battery, a software issue, or even a hardware malfunction. Start by checking if your device has enough battery power and try charging it for at least 30 minutes before attempting to turn it on again. If that doesn’t work, try performing a forced restart by pressing and holding the power button and the volume down button simultaneously for about 10-15 seconds.If the issue continues, it is recommended to reach out to Samsung support for additional help.

What to do when Galaxy Watch 4 won’t turn on?

When your Galaxy Watch 4 won’t turn on, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, make sure that the watch is charged by connecting it to the charging cable and leaving it for at least 30 minutes. If that doesn’t work, try performing a forced restart by pressing and holding the power button and the home button simultaneously for about 10-15 seconds. If the Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON, consider checking for software updates through the Galaxy Wearable app on your paired smartphone. You can also try performing a factory reset, but remember to back up your data before proceeding.

When your Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON?

When your smartwatch won’t turn on, it can be frustrating, but there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, check if the watch battery is drained and connect it to a charger for at least 30 minutes. If that doesn’t work, try performing a forced restart by pressing and holding the power button and the home button simultaneously for about 10-15 seconds. If the watch still won’t turn on, check for any available software updates or consider performing a factory reset as a last resort. Remember to contact the manufacturer’s support if the issue persists.

Is there a specific button combination to force restart a Galaxy Watch 4?

Yes, there is a specific button combination to force restart a Galaxy Watch 4. To perform a forced restart, press and hold the power button and the home button simultaneously for about 10-15 seconds. Keep holding the buttons until the watch vibrates or the Samsung logo appears on the screen. This action will force the watch to restart and may resolve any software-related issues causing Galaxy Watch 4 Won’t Turn ON. If the forced restart doesn’t work, try other troubleshooting steps mentioned in this guide or contact Samsung support for further assistance.

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