How to Continuously Grow Your Instagram Account

Want to grow your Instagram account continuously? You are here at the right spot. Find organic and effective methods in this post and expand your following today.

Before we start, we want to one thing be clear – there is no answer for how to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes. You may argue that you can achieve that with the help of some Instagram followers apps. Yes, you can. But can you keep the followers forever? Can you avoid fake followers? Can you spend a lot of money purchasing them every day?

The best way to grow your Instagram account is to post high-quality posts and improve your engagement rate, which is the right and continuous strategy. And if you want to know more details, do not miss out on the content below.

Have a Plan

You have to know who your target audience is, what your competitors are up to, and what kinds of content work effectively in your industry before you can be successful. It’s time to be creative with your subject matter now. Don’t post anything you’re unsure of, and stick to your brand’s “look” when posting; use a scheduling tool to plan your feed ahead of time, and double-check that it looks fine before you hit publish.

Organizing your feed ahead of time will help you achieve a much better final result. You’ll also run out of content if you don’t plan ahead and post it all at once, which is bad for expanding your Instagram audience and attracting new subscribers!

Keep Pics Relevant

Think about who you want to reach before you share an image. What kind of people live in your neighborhood? Frugal shoppers who want to build a personal brand should target other frugal shoppers or those who want to become one. As a result, if you go on a $3,000 shopping spree at a designer apparel store, you may not want to film it. Posting 10 pics of your cat every day may also be overkill. Images of this nature dilute your point.

To be fair, your community may be curious about your personal life and may want to see “off-topic” pictures of you here and there, but it’s a good idea to stick to the 80/20 rule while posting. 80 percent of your posts should be about your main theme, with the remaining 20 percent covering various topics.

Make the most of the Instagram features

By not making use of the new features that Instagram keeps releasing, you’re limiting your ability to get unlimited free Instagram followers.

For this reason, you must utilize every element available on Instagram in order to develop a content strategy that generates interaction. 70% of Instagram posts go unnoticed. With Instagram’s new features, you’ll have a simpler time using the app while simultaneously increasing your audience engagement.

Only 24% of companies consider Story engagement to be a success indicator in the past, indicating that brands have been reluctant to use tools like Stories. They’ve only just discovered, however, how critical it is to begin utilizing this fantastic feature that takes your brand that much is closer to your target market.

In addition, Instagram is always making improvements to Stories. There is a slew of intriguing new features coming in 2020, like GIF Stickers, Emoji Sliders, and Type Mode.

The new IGTV feature on Instagram allows you to submit films up to an hour-long, in a full-screen and vertical orientation. There’s a rare opportunity to connect with your audience more deeply when you use long-form videos. To discover which features work best for you, you must first try them out and see what happens.

Remove Unwanted Photo Tags

However, what if you’ve already been tagged in Instagram photographs that damage your brand’s reputation? Getting rid of them is as simple as hiding your profile’s images and removing them from search results.

Removing shared photographs from a group photo list is also an option. Because it’s independent of the black tag, you can keep either one or get rid of them both at the same time.

Once your tagged feed is complete, it will only show pictures of yours that you want to be seen by the general public.

Product Flash Sales and Bundling

Offer a discount if a customer buys many items from you and someone else at the same time. Consider working with a fitness celebrity who has their own training and coaching services. Let’s use the protein powder as an example once again.

If your influencer is willing to bundle your supplement with one of their plans, you may consider having them provide a special promotion on that plan in exchange for a discount, or vice versa. Making the deal more enticing has never turned away any clients.


When it comes to Instagram, the options are virtually unlimited. You may take your business to new heights on this platform if you have a solid strategy in place, access to data, and great content. Be cautious when someone recommends you buy followers or likes from an Instagram auto liker without login. In contrast to popular belief, growing a sizable Instagram following doesn’t happen overnight. Maintain your focus, remain consistent, and give back to the people around you.

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