How to Recover a Dropped Phone or Tablet from Water

Recover a Dropped Phone: You submerged your phone or tablet in water. Here’s how to remove the water and make sure your gadget is still functional.

I’m sorry, but dropping your phone or tablet in water can do irreparable harm to it, whether it’s in a bath, sink, toilet, or pool. No more internet, phone calls, Facebook, apps, or gaming. All gone.

It’s not all terrible news, either.

You’ll run into issues if you leave your phone or tablet on. If you turn it off straight away, your device could save. In truth, you may take a number of actions to remove water from your tablet or phone and prevent it from being ruined.

Recover a Dropped Phone: Help! My tablet isn’t working after becoming wet.

When your phone or tablet becomes wet, you need to take quick action. Water and electricity just don’t mix; a piece of wet equipment can short out and shock you with electricity. Water can infiltrate beneath the screen, into the battery cavity, into the bezels, into the slots, and cause damage to the screen.

Basically, it’s not a good idea to allow your phone or tablet to get wet, and you need to take action right away.

So, don’t keep attempting to switch it on. If you ever want to see the phone operating again, you must let it dry out.

Recover a Dropped Phone: Your phone or tablet fell into the water. Switch it off!

Turning off your phone is the first action if it has been submerged in water long enough to cause you to worry. In the meanwhile, open the compartment on your phone’s detachable battery and remove the battery.

Whatever you do, avoid wasting time trying to figure out whether the wet phone or tablet still functions. This will just make the situation worse!

When the phone becomes wet, you can at home, at work, or somewhere else entirely. Find a level, dry surface that you can use for the subsequent stages in any case. It is advised to move fast since failing to do so can cause your phone or tablet to become permanently damaged!

Recover a Dropped Phone: Right Away, Dry Everything You Can

Fortunately, phones and tablets are not readily disassembled. If they did, each time they were dropped, they would surely break apart!

  1. However, two other things may be taken out in addition to the battery:
  2. The SIM card should be retrieved, dried with a paper towel, and stored securely.
    Remove and dry the removable micro SD card. Keep in mind that not every gadget will support removable SD cards.

It’s easy to understand why—water finds its way everywhere! You can dry the slots with some tissue paper to absorb any remaining water after removing these two cards.

Recover a Dropped Phone: Phone or tablet drying

Don’t only use the SD card and SIM slots. You should blot up any water that you notice on your turned-off gadget as soon as you can.

Make sure any water droplets around the display’s edge have been absorbed. Additionally, make sure to look everywhere on the outside of your phone or tablet, including any screw holes and bezels.

This is the most physically dry you will get the gadget without taking it apart. It’s risky to open the phone or tablet, incidentally. You will only succeed in bringing moisture into touch with the mainboard and other parts.

So, how can you dry the interior of a wet phone or tablet?

Recover a Dropped Phone: 4 Techniques for Draining Water From a Phone or Tablet

Processors, circuit boards, and button rockets are all locations where water may find a home and cause harm to a smartphone or tablet computer. But you are in a good position to recover the smartphone if you swiftly turn off your wet gadget and remove the SIM and micro SD card.

The inside processors, wires, and bare circuit board just need to dry.

The boiler/airing closet

This is a heat-based approach, and it will probably take many hours to completely dry your phone. However, before applying this remedy, turn on your boiler.

A dish of rice

A bowl of dry, uncooked rice is likely to most effective remedy for any water damage to your phone or tablet, however, you may still need to visit the neighborhood convenience shop.

The food will absorb practically all the moisture overnight, so you’ll need to pack it into a container big enough to house your gear and a decent layer of rice—about 1 inch on all sides—but once you do, you’ll have a completely functional gadget.

Quite a bit of Silica Gel

Do you save the silica packets that come with most electrical products? Hoping your stockpiling wasn’t in vain, place your phone or tablet in a box with enough silica gel sachets to cover the device completely on all sides, and let it overnight.

Absolute Alcohol

The usage of pure alcohol is the last recommendation that has been shown to effective. If water damage to your gadget is the product of fundamental physics, then drowning an off device in rubbing alcohol is the outcome of fundamental chemistry. When you withdraw the gadget from the liquid, the alcohol will evaporate since it has replaced the water. Even though it is a drastic measure, it might be helpful if all other options fail.

Find a Service to Repair Water Damaged Tablets.

Consider a repair if none of the solutions above work or if you are unable to locate any rice or even a warm area. Some phone stores will handle water damage, despite the cost (and possible time waste).

own an iPhone or an iPad? It probably makes sense to pay for Apple Care as it should cover you for two occurrences of unintentional damage, including water damage if you have Apple Care+. You must confirm that the insurance you purchased for your phone or tablet covers the damage for non-Apple devices.

Keep Your Phone or Tablet Out of the Water!

These remedies are only for improbable situations. Keep your smartphone and tablet dry! A few sprinkles of rain are OK; much more might be disastrous.

These solutions are just that—solutions that are “possible” rather than “real.” Although they have been demonstrated to function, none is guaranteed. Consider these safer techniques as a result:

  • Use caution when using a phone or tablet near a bathroom, sink, or shower.
  • Keep your smartphone out of the bathroom (steam from a hot shower can condense and cause water damage).
  • No matter how much it cost you, treat your hardware with care. It will be expensive and time-consuming to get a replacement.
  • Get a water-resistant phone. The most recent iPhone and Samsung Galaxy devices are among the types that can tolerate brief submersion in water.

The best course of action is to carefully keep your phone or tablet out of the water. If you can’t, water damage is a compelling justification for purchasing smartphone insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much time does it take for a phone to dry out?

Try one of these techniques to help dry out your phone before you decide to fork out a lot of money for a brand-new phone. This will save you from experiencing the all-too-familiar fear of dropping your phone.

Do rice grains really take up water from a phone?

Severa’s website advised placing wet devices in a bag of uncooked rice to draw the water out. But it actually doesn’t work and can bring dust and starch into the phone as well, said Beinecke.

Do wet gadgets operate when placed in rice?

On several websites, it advises placing wet devices in a bag of uncooked rice to draw the water out. But, according to Beinecke, that is ineffective and may also cause the phone to pick up dust and starch.

How much time should a wet object remain in rice?

Put the battery and any other parts you removed in the rice as well. Put the phone and rice in front of a desk light or other low-heat source to promote evaporation. As long as you can, extend it. If possible, leave it overnight, but ideally, you should give it at least 48 hours.

How can a mobile phone that has been in the water be dried?

Apple advises leaving your phone in a dry place with moderate ventilation to aid with moisture removal. According to the manufacturer, you can even set it up in front of a fan that is blowing chilly air to “assist the drying process.” But ventilation isn’t the only efficient technique to dry off your gadget.

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